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RKB bearings for gearboxes 🇨🇭

In a competitive market, the RKB Group has invested heavily in R&D to meet the power transmission industry’s growing demands for performance and cost-effectiveness.


Essential components and the most common devices in the power transmission sector, gearboxes are critical for transmitting power and maintaining operational efficiency in various industrial applications.


The RKB bearings installed in gearboxes are not only important for efficiency but also for longevity. This is why we produce bearings with a long service life, specifically designed for the harsh operating conditions associated with the power transmission sector, including heavy loads, changing speeds, misalignment, and temperature requirements, which generic or low-quality bearings may be unable to handle.


A reliable source for bearings


With almost 90 years of experience and an amazing team of engineers (RKB TTU), we can offer bearing selection guidance for specific gearbox configurations, installation and maintenance training, troubleshooting and failure analysis services. This expertise can prevent errors during installation and ensure optimal performance.


The use of high-quality, application-specific RKB bearings ensures uninterrupted operation across a wide range of applications:


General applications: Helical gearboxes, planetary gearboxes, worm gearboxes, pinion stand gearboxes, and central drive gearboxes.


Metals industry: Gearboxes for forging groups, speed reducers for hot strip rolling mill stands, and tube drawing mill gearboxes.


Mines & minerals: Gearboxes for crushers, screeners, and presses; dual tandem gearboxes; bucket wheel drives and slew drives; main hoist drive gearboxes for ladle cranes; and concrete mixer gearboxes.


Additional sectors: Marine gearboxes, wind turbine gearboxes, recycling machine gearboxes, propulsion gearboxes, mixer drive gearboxes, shafts and couplings, brakes and clutches, and sugar mill gearboxes.


The demands of every gearbox application are different, and we tailor our solutions accordingly. By ensuring quality, customization, and support, RKB helps prevent failures, improve efficiency, and ultimately save costs.


RKB Bearing Industries


The RKB Bearing Industries Group, a Swiss-based manufacturing organization, has been a key player in the bearing industry since 1936. Leveraging decades of experience, RKB possesses the specialized knowledge and skills required to design and produce industrial bearings from 1 mm bore diameter to over 2.000 mm outer diameter.


With a global distribution footprint reaching over 70 countries, RKB provides value-driven solutions characterized by impressive operational adaptability, top-tier services, huge stock reserves, quick shipping times, and the hallmark quality expected of a premium bearing provider.


Where there is a gearbox, there is an RKB bearing, no matter the industry, whether in cement, marine, green energy, aluminium, steel, or others. From concrete mixers to rolling mills, we are there. CRM Iulian Grigore


You can also read the full article in the December 2024 issue of Motion+Drives magazine or our website’s media library.